Hey guys it's Zaiba!! :)
How are we feeling about the review for our midterm? STUDY!!! =]
- Here's the answer key for Extra Practice!
- A
- B
- B (use inverse norm on calclutor)
- D (use invNorm on calclutor)
- E
- D
- A
- C
- D
- D
- E
- B
- C
- A
- A or D
- B
- A
- C
- E
- A
- D
- E
^he's not checking it but doing it won't hurt : P
--> Ok, Tuesday. We have out A and B period exams! After, we'll be having a review session until about 3:00! There will be Stats then PIZZA!! Bring any and all questions you have for Mr. Carofano!
Also.. the semester is almost over..(wow can you believe it?.. seniors, we're almost out of here :X) but it also means STAMPS!! Have them ready on exam day! =) Yay Extra credit!
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