So the Thanksgiving take home quiz is due Monday (and uploaded under our resources and assignments)...
Here's the writing template for some procedure help...
1. Generate ___ digit random integers from ____ to ____.
2. Let _____ represent _____.... (define what numbers represent which categories)
3. Generate random integers until (provide a stopping rule!)
4. Record.... (what data should I record from my simulation?)
5. Repeat. Conduct ____ trials
And here are some HINTS:
- If you use numbers 01-50 you will have to ignore any numbers over 50; therefore, I recommend you either use 0-9 or 00-99
- To do that, many of you like percentages...
- Well, 5 people out of 50 win $200 so that's 5/50 or 10%.
- 15 people out of 50, or 30% win $100....
- And so on....
- Now you have percentages which will make your breakdowns easier!
- Also, this contest is done without replacement. That means once you use a number, it's out (for instance, if you draw a "3", then you cannot have another person win with a "3")
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