Thursday, February 7, 2013

0 It Gon' Snow!

Ok, so it's going to be a blizzard. Allegedly. So here's the plan...

Homework: take home probability test. This is due Monday (regardless of whether we have school tomorrow or not). If you lose this paper or were not in class, the take home test has been uploaded. Go to our classroom resources (powerpoints, assignmenets, etc...); it's the first link under the "Assignments" section. THERE IS NO EXCUSE NOT TO HAVE THIS ON MONDAY! YOU WILL LOSE TEST POINTS IF IT'S LATE!

Test: Our test is scheduled for tomorrow. If we have a snow day, the test will be Monday, no exceptions. In order to save time (and not have tests on 2 days), the in-class test will consist of both multiple choice and vocabulary. I plan to put (approximately) 13 released multiple choice (30 min) questions on the test and 12 matching vocab questions (12 min).

Finally, don't forget that the Saturday Session permission slips are due Tuesday.

Enjoy the snow and your (likely) 3 days weekend! Come prepared for the test; then, we'll be on our grind Tues-Thursday to complete chapter 18 and start 19!

This is one of my favorite rap songs ever. And my favorite rapper. FYI.

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