Friday, April 26, 2013

0 Study!

This weekend your job is to study for Monday's test!
(Period H: some of you need to finish the 3 multiple choice provided in class)

Test Monday:
1. One free-response regarding a chi-squared test for independence (you need to show hypotheses, conditions, math, conclusion...)
2. 4 Multiple choice regarding all of Chi-squared (expected values, finding chi-squred for a GOF test, etc.)

Let's raise that class average so we don't have to take a 2-day exam as our final after the AP test! Let's meet our goal! This is on all of us as individuals--if we don't all do our part, study, and improve, we can't reach our goal!

I look forward to seeing many of you tomorrow for the last Saturday Session @ 8:00 am!

And finally, enjoy the nice weather! We have 9 more class periods until the AP exam--that means 7ish days of review (and 2 of chapter 27), and only 8 more nights of homework!

Now's the time to start studying! Make yourself, me, and EHHS proud on May 10th!

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