First and foremost, I hope you all dominated my test today. I have total confidence in all of you and your abilities, as long as you're willing to study, do homework, work hard, and all that good stuff. I promise to do the same, to do my best to prepare you for the AP exam.
With Monday comes a clean slate...we'll be getting into Chapter 7, beginning our unit on scatterplots and linear regression. No matter what grade you had for the first unit, you can all get an A. This is new, different material--of course we'll still bring up all the "old" stuff, but in terms of new content, it's all different.
Start off strong. Do your homework this weekend! The more thoroughly you answer these questions, the better you'll understand chapter 7.
Weekend homework: please complete the ch. 7 reading questions provided in class. The questions follow the same order as the chapter. Also, remember you can use the glossary in the back of the chapter as well. If you do not have the questions, they are provided below:
Chapter 7 Reading Questions
1. What is a scatterplot? What can we see from a scatterplot? (look at page 142!)
2. When we look at a scatter plot we are interested in describing three features—what are they? (starts on page 143!)
3. What are explanatory and response variables? Explain in your own words.
4. Sketch a scatterplot with a…
a. Strong negative association b. weak positive association c. correlation = 1
5. What does correlation measure? Be specific.
6. What types of variable(s) are shown on a scatterplot—categorical or quantitative?
7. What are the three conditions we must check before investigating correlations?
8. Briefly describe/list the properties of correlation described on page 152:
9. What is the goal of re-expressing a scatterplot?
1. What are the 6 (bolded) warnings the textbook gives at the end of the chapter—what can go wrong?
1. In a scatter plot, how do we define an outlier?
1. What is a lurking variable?
1. Complete page 160, #2:
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