Hey! Read this article about being a Statistician!
This weekend, please complete the following in your textbook:
Page 448: 23abc, 29ac, 24abc
- **If you do not do 24 you will earn a 0 for your homework (do them all)!
- For each problem you should...
- Check the conditions
- Create the interval: BE SURE TO SHOW THE FORMULA (with values substituted), then calculate the interval with your calculator!
- Interpret your interval
- This is a very important homework assignment! These problems give us practice with the most essential skills we need for confidence intervals! (both now and moving forward)!
Here's some general info about showing "the formula" and finding z*!
Here's an example of what I need/expect to see for your "math" work--the formula with values substituted with the interval below it (calculated with our graphing calc!)
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