Tuesday, May 17, 2016

0 21: The movie, the game, and card counting...

Please return your textbooks and graphing calculators ASAP!

Everyone will be taking the quiz on 21, blackjack, and card counting on Monday--so if you were out, it is your responsibility to find/watch this movie (this weekend), and/or to watch the youtube videos linked below to learn about card counting and blackjack! Do some Googling and you should be able to find a site where you can stream the movie for free! If you do find a link to stream the movie, please email it to me so I can post it on the blog! (carofano.fm@easthartford.org).

Remember, you can use any notes you take on your quiz! (But only YOUR notes!)

And lastly, if you took either/both of the makeup homework assignments today, you MUST turn these in by MONDAY! No late papers will be accepted! Yes, these are actually difficult AP Stat problems--but you're trying to make up missing AP Stat homework, so it's only fair! You must provide quality, correct work to earn the homework credit! Lazy responses will simply be discarded!

Here are some links to videos explaining the basics of Blackjack (21) and Card Counting!

And here are some more links...a video explaining the "Monty Hall Problem" (the one with the cars and goats that appears in class):

Otherwise...check this out! Here's a short article about being an Environmental Statistician for those of you who love science and love Statistics!

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