Thursday, January 7, 2016

0 Back to Real Life!

It was great to get back and see you all today!

Check out this awesome article about the powerball--lots of probability! Can You Guarantee A Powerball Win?

No official homework...just STUDY! 

First and foremost, use the answer keys provided in class today (or below) to check your sub work! This is the first way you should begin to prepare for the AP exam--if you didn't finish the sub work (review packets), finish! Then, use the keys provided to check your work! If you aren't checking, you aren't using your time productively! (There's no value to practicing if you don't make sure you're practicing correctly)!

Also, remember that STAMPS ARE DUE ON THE DAY OF YOUR EXAM (or earlier)! If I were you, I would count them up and turn them in tomorrow so you don't have to worry about them next week!
  • Same deal...count your stamps (double check), and write the total on the front
  • Fasten your stamps together (somehow) with your name and the total on the front!
  • If your total is incorrect, you will get a 0--so count twice!
Lastly, remember there is an outline of the midterm exam topics along with a list of different ways to study under our classroom resources link! Use them!

See you all tomorrow!

  • **There is a mistake in the answer key below; for multiple choice question #4, the answer is B (my explanation on the right says the answer is "extrapolation," but I accidentally put the wrong MC letter**

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