Friday, January 8, 2016


STUDY! Of course the midterm is going to be a challenging test, and a stressful two hours...but it's also an excellent opportunity for us to see where we stand in our preparation for the AP exam! The midterm is essentially a mini practice exam, so it will give us valuable information to predict how you might do on the AP exam in May! Take it seriously, prepare yourself, and give your best effort next week!

It is absolutely essential that you STUDY. If you do not prepare yourself, you can likely expect a D or an F on the midterm! 

  • There is an outline of all topics on the midterm exam under our classroom resources link.
  • There is also a guide of "ways to study" under our classroom resources link!
  • Another idea to study is by using the review exercises in your textbook...these come at the end of each unit and provide miscellaneous practice problems for each unit; we covered unit (the textbook calls them parts) 1, 2, and 4. These reviews start on pages 130, 244, and 402. If you do the odd problems, you can find the answers in the back of the book

Also, remember that STAMPS ARE DUE ON THE DAY OF YOUR EXAM (or earlier)! 
  • Same deal...count your stamps (double check), and write the total on the front
  • Fasten your stamps together (somehow) with your name and the total on the front!
  • If your total is incorrect, you will get a 0--so count twice!

See you all next week! Be ready to get an A! STUDY, STUDY, STUDY!

Oh, and one more are the answers to the practice multiple choice and open ended classwork problems we did today in class!

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