Tomorrow is round two! Put in another night of hard work and studying to start the semester on the right foot! Tomorrow's test will include some of the concepts from today's test, but it will also involve more math, and some open ended questions. Use the following to study:
- AP Stats Guy Videos (Unit 2)
- Study/review your chapter 8 take home quiz
- Use the multiple choice provided on Monday in class (or at the bottom of this post) to practice
- Use the multiple choice provided today after our test for more practice (see below)
- Review your notes
- Be sure you know how to interpret slope, intercept, R^2, describe an association, and determine if a linear model is appropriate
Here's breakdown of what's on the test:
Thursday's Test: AP Free Response and Multiple Choice: You will use a graphing calculator throughout all of Thursday's test. This test will include AP multiple choice and free response questions. Here's a breakdown of the content:
- Use a linear model to make predictions
- Determine how a point that is added/removed may affect slope, y-intercept, and/or correlation (r)
- Calculate a residual given a linear model and an actual value
- Use a re-expressed linear model to make a prediction
- Use the 4 multiple choice questions provided in class today to practice this! See below...
- Given a residual and linear model, find an actual value
- Identify a point with the highest/lowest residual or most/least leverage
- Determine if a linear model is appropriate for a given data set
- Describe an association shown in a scatter plot
- Interpret slope
- Interpret y-intercept
- Interpret the coefficient of determination, R^2
- Interpret the meaning of a negative/positive residual
- Determine if you are confident in a prediction (based on interpolation/extrapolation)
- Bonus: find the equation of a linear model algebraically
- *See the extra credit question on our chapter 8 take home quiz about "height vs. minutes played"
- The formulas for slope and y-intercept will be provided
And here are the two multiple choice from today that deal with topics covered on tomorrow's exam--the answers are circled in red so you can check!
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