Friday, November 4, 2016

0 Weekend HW!

This weekend please complete the outliers/influential points activity provided in class (the data deals with the age and Gesell Score for different children). 
  • This will be our first grade of the second quarter! 
  • I may check this as a homework assignment and provide an answer key, or I may collect it and grade it--I'll decide Monday morning! So do your best work either way!

And here's an extra credit (homework) opportunity for the second quarter based on yesterday's classwork:
  1. Finish the 2012 AP Free Response Question we started in class. Be sure to do this on your own before you look at the rubric so you can accurately score it! If you just copy the answers and write down all E's, no extra credit!
  2. Then, score your free response question! Score each section as E, P, or I based on the rubric; if you score a P or an I, circle the components on the rubric that show why you got that score!
  3. Show me this on Monday!
On Monday we'll wrap up our notes and answer any lingering questions for chapter 10 (or this whole unit); then, we'll have a vocab test on Wednesday and a "math test" on Thursday! Also, for this unit, on the "vocab test day" you will also have a multiple choice test section with some released AP problems--more info will be posted about this Monday!

Have a great weekend!

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