Monday, November 7, 2016

0 Tests Thursday and Friday!


This week we will have two tests--one on Wednesday and one on Thursday--these are our first two tests of the quarter, so start strong! Use your day off to prepare yourself to do well!

I will be after school on Wednesday to answer any questions and to review for Thursday's test.

Wednesday's Test: Vocabulary and Multiple Choice: Wednesday's test will have 20 matching vocabulary questions, 7 short answer questions, and then 8 multiple choice; here is a more detailed breakdown of the test!

  • Vocab/Short Answer Section = 25 minutes
  • 8 Multiple Choice = 20 minutes
  • Vocab List: (use your chapter 7, 8, and 9 quizzes to study! The only word that was not on these is "reexpress data," which we covered today in class, or can be found in the chapter 10 glossary!)
    1. Scatterplot
    2. Explanatory Variable
    3. Response Variable
    4. Outlier
    5. Influential Point
    6. Leverage
    7. Residual
    8. Slope
    9. Y-Intercept
    10. Coefficient of Determination (R^2)
    11. Correlation (r)
    12. Least Squares Regression Line (LSRL)
    13. Residual Plot
    14. Overestimate
    15. Underestimate
    16. Lurking Variable
    17. Predicted Value
    18. Actual Value
    19. Interpolation
    20. Extrapolation
    21. Re-express data
  • Short Answer: The short answer section is quick--it gives you a graph (scatter plot) with 5 points labeled A-E; you have to identify the point with the least/most leverage, highest/lowest residual, highest/lowest x or y value, and which points may be outliers
  • Multiple Choice: The third section of the test has 8 multiple choice questions, all of which will be answered WITHOUT a calculator! Here's a breakdown of some of the content assessed in this section
    • Interpret slope
    • Interpret y-intercept
    • Interpret R^2
    • Describe how a point that is added/removed will affect the slope, correlation, and/or y-intercept
    • Write the equation of the LSRL from a computer output
    • Know how the correlation is affected if we switch our axes or convert units or convert all values to z scores (none of these affect the correlation!)
    • Know "facts about correlation"--you will be given 5 statements about correlation and will be asked to identify the statement that does not have an error
Thursday's Test: AP Free Response and Multiple Choice: You will use a graphing calculator throughout all of Thursday's test. This test will include AP multiple choice and free response questions. Here's a breakdown of the content:
  • Use a linear model to make predictions
  • Determine how a point that is added/removed may affect slope, y-intercept, and/or correlation (r)
  • Calculate a residual given a linear model and an actual value
  • Use a re-expressed linear model to make a prediction
    • Use the 4 multiple choice questions provided in class today to practice this! See below...
  • Given a residual and linear model, find an actual value
  • Identify a point with the highest/lowest residual or most/least leverage
  • Determine if a linear model is appropriate for a given data set
  • Describe an association shown in a scatter plot
  • Interpret slope
  • Interpret y-intercept
  • Interpret the coefficient of determination, R^2
  • Interpret the meaning of a negative/positive residual
  • Determine if you are confident in a prediction (based on interpolation/extrapolation)
  • Bonus: find the equation of a linear model algebraically
    • *See the extra credit question on our chapter 8 take home quiz about "height vs. minutes played"
    • The formulas for slope and y-intercept will be provided
Here are the answers to the 5 multiple choice practice problems I provided in class (review these for Thursday's test):

Study, study, study! There won't be any surprises on this test! Prepare yourself! Watch some AP Stat Guy videos, review your past quizzes, use the links on the right to study, and use your textbook to review! Put in the effort to start our second quarter strong!

Then, next week, it's on to probability! Have a great day off and I'll see you all on Wednesday for the test!

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